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Walter J. McCarthy Jr. Sailing on the St. Clair River In Maysville, MI (4-1-2024)

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Date of upload: Apr 2, 2024
Video title: Walter J. McCarthy Jr. Sailing on the St. Clair River In Maysville, MI (4-1-2024)
Uploaded by: BlueWaterRailfan
Views: 5
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The Walter J. McCarthy Jr. is a Self-Unloading Bulk Carrier/Lake Freighter that is under the flag of the U.S.A.

The McCarthy Jr. was built in 1977 and is 304 meters long (1000 ft.) and has a carrying capacity of 80,900 tons.

Past names: (Belle River 1977-1990) - (Walter J. McCarthy Jr. 1990-Present Day)